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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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my thoughts

Monday, March 22, 2004

Thoughts of the week

More than a week had passed since my last post, not including my little informal “I’m back!” announcement. Quite a week I must say, to survive the entire week without my Internet. I’ve never felt so happy just to be online!

There must be an election fever recently, with the polls going on in Taiwan and our neighbouring Malaysia. I’m quite glad the political scene in Singapore is not like Taiwan, where the parliament resembles the World Wrestling Federation (I forgot what the new acronym, WWE stands for). Just look at the politicians who are swearing at each other, throwing their fists all over the place, calling each other names, behaving like a kid. Looking at this, how can one believe that these are the people who run the country? Total mayhem!

The election process is so drama-mama, I must say. All the actions going on. The bullet which skimmed past Chen’s tummy. Where else can you get this man?

Thankfully, the situation in Singapore had been peaceful and uneventful for the past few years. Perhaps some interesting things would stir up in the presidential election in about 2 years or so. If Reader can remember in the last election, there was a rather crazy member of the opposition? It seems weird that these “highly educated” people with PhDs are doing the funniest things that are totally unexpected of them! They don’t seem to think of their actions and consequences and how it reflects upon them. Put it in this way: if you are trying to convince someone to buy your products, you will put on your best behavior right? This seems like common sense, but somehow it doesn’t seem to be the case for some people. It just reflects so badly when you start calling your competitor names publicly in full view of your own supporters and worse, your target audience.

It’s a good thing that the particular politician wasn’t voted in the constituency. In fact, he lost by a huge percentage, only about 20% voted for him. What was that 20% thinking of when they voted for him anyway? I wonder.

Come to think of this, I will be eligible to vote when the next election comes along. It should interesting, I hope.

To carry on about the Taiwanese elections, I would ask Reader this: would you be so passionate about the results of the election that you cry over it? Would you go to the extent you feel so depressed that you kill yourself over it? I expect most to reply a simple NO immediately. But someone in Taiwan did hang himself just because he was so sad that Chen got re-elected.

This is so sad, whether it’s about the “passion” or should I say “foolishness” of the man or the general bo-chap attitude in Singapore. It’s just like an episode out of some martial arts drama serial when the patriotic young man choose to die rather than serving the ruler not of his choice. Can’t he choose to stay alive and try to change the situation?

The ruling government in Singapore had been the PAP since Day 1. I think the young generation these days, myself included, is just so unconcerned about what is going on around them. Personally, I think PAP has a very well proven track record and this is good enough to justify their long stay. I’m perhaps just one of those who prefer to leave things as they are.

The efficiency can be seen in many areas, the laws, the general life of the citizen, the defenses, etc.

Talking about defense, I think the 3 Indonesian robbers who fled to Pulua Tekong must have been one of the unluckiest robbers around. They probably fled to Pulua Tekong thinking it was one of Malaysia’s islands. Who know that it turned out to be Singapore, and worse still, a militarised island? 700 men searching for 3. Tough luck.

This sum up all about what I have to say for now. I'll be back for more!

fjozn at 9:19 PM

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