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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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Dopod 838 Pro

Howarth XL Cor Anglais + Howarth XL Oboe Cocobolo

Wiseman Double Case in Forest Green

Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

AF-S 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

$10000000000 to drop from the sky

Yeah, I'm greedy, but wishlist, what!


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f j o z n
my thoughts

Monday, June 28, 2004

Yearning, NDP and XL

Quite bored now. There's someone I'm hoping to see online but she's not online. This girl seems so mysterious, so intriguing. It really makes me want to know her more. Hmmm, I shall wait a for bit more.

I had a long, long day today at the National Stadium. Now that the NDP rehearsals are going into actual timing, the entire Saturday/Sunday is burnt on NDP. It seems to me that the NDP is getting more and more boring by the year. Is it that I've seen too much of it? Is it that the endless stream of rehearsals totally destroyed my sense of patriotism on our nation's birthday? I remember that last year, I was in quite a dull mood on National Day. It didn't seem as exciting as previous years, in a way that I know exactly what's going to happen. However, I still think it's an honour to be able to perform for the nation regardless of boredom, which is going to happen for the next few years as long as I stay in the SAF.

I had more or less made up my mind to buy the Howarth Cocobolo XL. Is anyone gonna stop me with a good reason? Please do if you have one!

fjozn at 12:04 AM

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