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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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Dopod 838 Pro

Howarth XL Cor Anglais + Howarth XL Oboe Cocobolo

Wiseman Double Case in Forest Green

Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

AF-S 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

$10000000000 to drop from the sky

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my thoughts

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Miss Dorean Tan

I've actually almost finished one whole entry on Miss Dorean Tan but I've at the same time decided not to publish it as I thought it would make me sound angry again.

For the record, I'm not.

I'm plainly amused by how a person her age can behave like someone decades younger. Well, she's young at heart which is a good thing too! Maybe that explains why she's a MISS, still too young to get married.

Just last week, I saw both Miss Dorean Tan and Mr Anthony Chew at the Band Convention. Somehow, I realized something about that moment when I saw both of them. Sure, I don't really like the both of them, but in a way, there's still some respect for Mr Chew. At least he's a person with integrity. By the way, "I don't really like" is quite an understatement for Miss Tan.

There I go again. Do I sound angry? I hope not. I don't really care who is reading this right now. Certain people don't like me, I don't like them too. I won't be too polite to them either. It's that simple. Bleah. *stick out tongue*

Zhihui, if you are reading this, don't be too sad. She's always been such a person. It just took you too long to find out. Then again, it's still not too late! We can always wait till a "dynasty-change". Maybe we can set up something like a CHASETHEYOUKNOWWHOAWAY Secret Society ala the Green-Dragon Society, or was it Heaven-Earth Society? We are going to need the Beat-Dog-Stick. Oh wait, that's from the Beggar Society. Whatever, Reader knows what I'm talking about right? FAN QING FU MING! Time is on our side anyway. =)

fjozn at 9:55 AM

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