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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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Dopod 838 Pro

Howarth XL Cor Anglais + Howarth XL Oboe Cocobolo

Wiseman Double Case in Forest Green

Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

AF-S 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

$10000000000 to drop from the sky

Yeah, I'm greedy, but wishlist, what!


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my thoughts

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My neck

I'm getting into the habit of blogging once a week!

Latest update: I sprained my neck this morning. @#$%^&*!!!

I bet I'm the only person you know who can get a sprained neck from sneezing too hard. How dumb is that?

For a while I feel paralyzed. I couldn't move my left arm without any sharp pain. It's no joke man. Thankfully I don't have to wear a neck brace. I'd be the laughing stock of the band scene if I appear on stage with a neck brace tomorrow evening!

Anyway, I just come to the conclusion that sneezing is actually a very dangerous action for all humans.

Sneezing is actually quite a vigorous action, if many of us don't realize.

There's a reason why the human eye shuts automatically when you're sneezing and mind your back too. You wouldn't want a slipped disc or something!

Moral of the story: Sneeze as gently as you can!

Natalie the Goat was kind enough to dedicate a short section of her entry to me. (Actually, it wasn't that much. Most of it was lifted from my Friendster profile. Plagiarizing goat!)

And no, I am not that bitchy! Only a bit, well, maybe.

But still, thank you!

In return, I shall write something nice for her.

Natalie is generally a nice goat, oops, I mean girl. She's normally very nice except that she goes "meow" when I ask her to say "meh".

Talk about identity crisis.

She plays the oboe like I do and the piano and violin on top of that. Perhaps one of these days I should ask her to play all three at one go. It should be quite a sight. =)

Guys who are interested in her should note this. Natalie the Goat is allergic to grass so please do not attempt to put a leash on her and bring her to the meadow to graze.

That's it. I'm out!

fjozn at 3:11 PM

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