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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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Dopod 838 Pro

Howarth XL Cor Anglais + Howarth XL Oboe Cocobolo

Wiseman Double Case in Forest Green

Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

AF-S 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

$10000000000 to drop from the sky

Yeah, I'm greedy, but wishlist, what!


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my thoughts

Friday, July 01, 2005

Phone blog

I've decided to try something new. I'm typing this entry from my phone! Well, I'm on duty again and hence, I'm very bored.

I'm watching television as I'm slowly keying my way through this entry. Call me a mountain tortoise or something but it's the first time I'm watching the don't-know-what-superstar thingy on TV!

I almost turned off the TV after the first contestant. She was quite bad. Thank goodness the third one was still all right. I don't know how anyone can make it so far with such out of tune singing.

She responded to the judges in such terrible Chinese!

"Try to" in Chinese is "Jin liang", my dear.

The judges were nowhere better in their language proficiency!


I'm really tempted to buy a PDA phone. I'm weighting the pros and cons. Do I need Microsoft Office on my phone? Do I need a stylus to write better? I can actually write quite on my phone as already proven by already writing so much by now.

It'd be nice to have all these programmes. Come to think of it, do I want to dig out a stylus every single time I want to make a call?

I guess not. I can always save the money I guess!


I just looked up at the ceiling. There are cobwebs! There's a huge spider there too. Ok, it's not huge. It has a small body but a huge leg span! I hate insects like this! You know those daddy long legs? They look like a ball of thread floating around. Yuck.


Ok, maybe a stylus would be useful. I've been keying for the past hour on MSN and my fingers are starting to ache, especially my index finger and thumb. Darn.


I'm on my way home in a train. There's a girl eating fishballs in the train! Come to think of, it's the first time I actually witnessing anyone eating on the train.

I don't think I would do the same! I'm too poor to pay the $500 fine, and besides, I'd find it very awkward to eat on the train. Everyone would be staring at me!

fjozn at 8:48 PM

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