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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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ICQ: 7594 5452



To be updated.


To be updated.


Dopod 838 Pro

Howarth XL Cor Anglais + Howarth XL Oboe Cocobolo

Wiseman Double Case in Forest Green

Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

AF-S 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

AF-S 400mm f/2.8D IF-ED II

$10000000000 to drop from the sky

Yeah, I'm greedy, but wishlist, what!


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my thoughts

Thursday, August 26, 2004

My day

I have absolutely nothing much to blog about today, so let me tell you about my day so far:


Oops, nothing's happened so far!

My stupid bag seems to be faulty. The sling hook is coming out too easily! Basket!

The strap came out yesterday while on the bus and my whole bag fell to the ground. Damn! Yes, it is extremely unglam, but what's more important was that my oboe was inside! @$@%#@%#^!

Now I know why an oboe case costs so much. $500 for a small case! But it's really sturdy and durable. Whatever.

Now my Deuter looks like an army backpack if you look at the sling joints. I've taped it with black tape a la BMT haversack. If it comes loose again, I'm seriously going to burn it.

Speaking of bags, I was at the Samsonite boutique the other day. While scrutinizing through the compartments of one of the laptop bag, I discovered to my shock: A cockroach! I think I shocked my friend when I just dropped the bag on the floor.

Not that I'm very scared of cockroaches or what. It's just that it's not something you would expect to see while browsing through items in a shop. And it was a good thing that I was looking at a bag! I can't imagine myself looking at a teapot or something of similar breakability and discovering a cockroach inside.

*teapot flies through air and smashes into a thousand pieces*

Ying Chyi aka Auntie Chong messaged me yesterday. She said: "Happy Birthday!"

Sweet, you say. But my birthday is 2 months away! Auntie ah, you are getting old loh!

I've yet find the perfect oboe case/bag I want. Anyone seen any nice one before?

My birthday is 2 months away. *hint hint* =P

fjozn at 1:25 PM

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