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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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Nikon D2Xs

AF 50mm f/1.4D

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AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED

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f j o z n
my thoughts

Sunday, January 30, 2005


What type of guy/girl do you like?

Sounds familiar?

I'm sure at some point of your life, someone would had asked you that question.

How does one set out to answer that? I don't have a definite answer. Looking back, the girls I was interested in fit into many categories. There were different characters, likings, dislikes, common and un-common areas of interest.

Yibin, my good friend, commented recently that I seem to like girls who are difficult to understand and that's a bit scary to him.

On the same topic, Xiaopei said that I was digging a pit for myself. -_-!

Well, I'm essentially a person who likes unique things and this goes for girls. Put it in a way, everyone is unique. We have a unique set of fingerprint, iris pattern and DNA coding. So what defines a girl as unique? Perhaps it's the character that attracts me, someone who don't think like the average Singaporean female.

My friends and I had a discussion over dinner. Someone said that although people like to say that looks doesn't matter, it's more than often not the case for most males. To make a point, I asked 2 male friends on their opinion.

A said that his girlfriend should be very pretty and possess a good figure, read: busty. B started off saying that the girl should be chio and shorter than him (think someone's who's short! =P). Upon pressing, he concluded that it's ok as long as wo kan de shun yan, literally meaning pleasant to my eyes.

I think it's an undeniable fact that men are attracted to beauty and women doll themselves them up to look pretty. I am too. If you haven't seen me stealing glances at the pretty girl walking past on the street, you're probably blind. On the other hand, when looking for a partner, beauty is not high on my list.

It's not that I have a floccinaucinihilipilification for beauty or something but I have had enough failures to know that beauty is not everything.

As long as the girl doesn't look like a monster and causes me to go into shock every time I look at her.

What good is it that I have a pretty vase in my arms and I spend time with her feeling that I'm alone? Friend A doesn't seem to mind. I do.

fjozn at 11:51 AM

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