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Liang You, Chua
25 Oct 1982

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my thoughts

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

SYF and Oboists

I think I'm developing an allergic to Singapore Rhapsody.

Guess why?

Yes, I was at the Singapore Youth Festival today.

I heard like 8 bands played before I left because I was having a headache.

No, the bands were all right. Perhaps listening to SR 8 times really makes one nauseous! I'm not trying to be critical but I really don't like the way it sounds and the way the piece moves. I really think that the transitions are quite bad. Oh well!

Rasa Saya is a song we all know well. So, why did I only hear a couple of band trying to make it sound like a folk song?

I wonder how the judges sit through about 150 different renditions of SR.

I shall not be mean today. I believe all of them view the SYF importantly and hence I shall not break any little hearts. =)

Some of the oboists were not very good. I could see some people in the audience flinching when one certain oboist was flat constantly.

Ok, honestly, I was a bit irked too. But shame on me! I shouldn't be!

I've been through that stage too.

In a way, I will never forget how I constantly got negative comments and dirty looks I got when I started off on the oboe. The negative impressions lasts, and I still think I'm judged by my previously horrendous playing. Not to say that I'm a perfect player now but still I come a long way. There's more to travel though!

In the same way, I also know of inspiring oboists who give up half way because of the bad comments and negative thoughts. It's really sad for them. Why are people so eager to put down others rather than encourage them? Why don't other players ever spare a thought for us? Just because a bad tone on any other instrument is just a thin, airy sound, they expect the same from an oboist.

No, I'm sorry. You can't be more wrong.

You won't understand how it is like until you try it yourself.

Like my teacher says: Playing the oboe is already hard enough, why make your life more difficult?

Playing the oboe is already difficult. It's not uncommon to hear of students who have to use the same reed for half a year. It's not uncommon to hear of student who struggle on oboes in horrible conditions. There are no proper technicians in Singapore who specializes in oboes. That's precisely why an oboe costs so much - the mechanisms are too complicated!

An oboe and reeds are not cheap in the first place. A decent oboe that I consider playable costs about 4k. A hand made reed costs anything from 25 onwards. Considering the measly budget that some schools have, it's a big burden for them.

Would you expect them to have proper teachers to guide them when they have a problem with instruments?


There's where all the problems come in.

Put in too much reed? You become very sharp.

Too little? Very flat.

Just nice but too tight? Thin sound.

Just nice but too loose? Flat.

The problems are never ending.

Is it hard to be more understanding and encouraging?

More importantly, is there any conductors who are reading this? Encourage your oboists, not merely substitute their solos with other instruments just because you think they can't play well. Spare a thought for their feelings.

I know it hurts because I've been there before.

fjozn at 9:42 PM

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